We have been learning about floating and sinking. We put an apple in a container full of water. It floated so we peeled the skin off and it still floated. We put the skin into the water too. When we put the paper into the water it floated when it was dry. It sank when it was wet because the water had filled the paper. I thought that the pencil would sink but it floated. The soup spoon sank because it was made out of metal. The tennis ball floated because it had nothing inside it.
In Room 3 I have been learning about what floats and sinks. When something is sinking it floats to the bottom of the container. We were put into groups and it was fun. Apples float because they have air bubbles inside them. Our apples were red and crunchy.
In Room 3 we are learning about floating and sinking. We did it outside. We had fun. In the water the tennis ball floated because it had air in it.
In Room 3 we were sinking and floating things. The peg was sinking because it was metal and plastic. The bark chip floated. It was made out of wood. I liked the day.
We, the scientists are looking at floating and sinking. We put the apple in the water. The apple floated. Miss Swney was puzzled. We peeled the apple and it still floated.
Alex M