This term we have been preparing for and performing our school production of 'Moving on' to an audience of family and friends. Each class was given a 'Zone' to be in charge of and Room 3 were in charge of the 'Discovery Zone'. The Discovery Zone included planets, a rocket, scientists, the nativity and a skeleton. These became our costumes and the planets ended up learning a dance with the rocket zooming in and out of them. Our performance was a huge success and was enjoyed by all.
Here are some of our thoughts about the production:
Laura said, "The production was really good because the planets looked really cool!"
"The production was good because the light shone down on me when I went on the stage." said Hunter
Zane said, "The production was good because it was all about God and the wise men trying to find love and they found it."
"The production was cool because it was fun being Mary and I really liked lots of people watching me." said Lucy.
Josh thought the production was really cool because it was fun.
"The production was good because the lights shone on me when I was dressed in my planet costume." said Mackenzie.
A big thank you to all the parents who helped with costume design and construction, and the dance routine. You helped make our performance the success that it was.