Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Another Mercy Charism Award

Congratulations to this wonderful Room 3 person who was awarded the Mercy Charism Award for the great things he has been doing at school.  Well done.

Olympic Day

 Inside the parachute

Yesterday Sacred Heart School had our own mini Olympic games at the Velodrome. Each of our houses were allocated a country that will be competing at the Olympic games at the end of this week.  The countries were chosen based on the colours of our School houses.  Once we had our opening ceremony, complete with torch bearers, the Olympic oath and a march around the outside of the events stage with our flags, the games were declared open by Mr Forde.  Below are photos of our class completing some of the activities.

 Egg and spoon race

 Rocket throwing/javelin


At the Olympics
There were lots of games at the Olympics.  I enjoyed all of the games.  I even enjoyed the hockey game.  Well, I wasn’t very good at it.  There was a javelin game that was my favourite game because I love throwing things.  There was a parachute and that was my second favourite game because we got to go under it.

The Olympics were funny because we got to go under the tent and make a mushroom.  We had to sit on it.  The koosh balls couldn’t go off the tent.